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Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Recipe 'Chicken cooked under a brick' by Jamie Oliver

Chicken cooked under a brick
Serves 4
1 Chicken, boned
Extra virgin olive oil
4 stalks of rosemary
2 garlic cloves
1 red dutch or other long chilli, halved
6 red cherry tomatoes, quartered
6 yellow cherry tomatoes, quartered
200g tinned tomatoes
1 tbsp capers
A large handful of kalamata olives

1 Wrap two (York Handmade) bricks in foil. Get a grill pan nice and hot. Place the chickens on a board and oil and season both sides. Divide the chicken into two pieces. With a meat hammer or rolling pin, pummel the rosemary into the flesh to release its oils. Place the chicken halves skin side down on to the char grill and place the bricks on top of the chicken to weigh it down. Grill for 10 minutes each side or until golden and then put in an oven preheated to 200C/ gas 6 for 15 minutes. When the chicken is crips skinned, golden brown and cooked through, place it on a metal try in a warm place and allow to rest.
2 Meanwhile, heat ½ tbsp olive oil in a hot frying pan, then add the garlic and chilli and cook until golden. Add the cherry tomatoes and cook for 2 minutes, then add the tinned tomatoes, capers and kalamata olives. Cook for another 2 minutes, then season to taste and freshly ground pepper. /remove the chilli halves.
3 To serve, put the tomato sauce on a platter. Cut up the chicken halves and place on tomatoes, pour over the resting juices, scatter over some rosemary sprigs or chooped leaves, and drizzle with a little olive oil.

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