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Monday, 9 June 2014

When is a handmade brick not a handmade brick?

Handmade made bricks are made by hand - a brick moulder chucks a clot of clay into a mould to form the brick - each brick is therefore unique and different with subtle folds and smooth and rough bits depending on how hard the moulder has chucked the clot in. However some brick manufacturers label their bricks as handmade when they are not, they are made by machine and are therefore rather uniform, regular and quite frankly unattractive even at their relatively low prices - a case in point is some Dutch simluated hand made bricks which they label as 'Handmade' and are for sale as such in many southern UK builders merchants such as Travis Perkins. Bricks are imported by All About Bricks and their Managing Director says it doesn't matter they have a 'handmade look' well I'm afraid it does. One is deceiving the brick laying public if one hopes to get away with selling a machine made brick as a handmade one at half the price.


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